Woman holding up two jars of honey in grocery store

Do Competitor Comparison Pages Still Work for SEO?

Competitor comparison landing pages have been a staple of SEO forever. A staple of marketing, really, since marketing’s earliest days. But comparison pages won’t be viable traffic drivers for much longer — at least for brands comparing themselves against other brands. Someone will always rank for “[brand] vs [brand]” searches, but we’ll see more unbiased […]

SEO for ecommerce category page

What People Get Wrong About Ecommerce Category Page SEO

Here’s a controversial opinion: The absolute best way to improve your ecommerce category page SEO is to improve the page’s user experience. I’m not kidding. When it comes to product category pages (or “product listing pages” if you prefer), the UX is more important than keyword research, page headings, or any traditional SEO tactics. It’s […]

man using pallet jack to move stack of cardboard boxes in warehouse

Google Is Changing (and so Is Ecommerce SEO)

Google is going through some big changes right now, and they’re going to have a huge impact on the way we do ecommerce SEO. We’re seeing lots of different features on the search results pages (and not just the AI-generated results from SGE) We’re also seeing a lot of the low-quality, cookie-cutter blog articles that […]

Reporter holding notebook and microphone

How to Get More Backlinks on Connectively (Formerly HARO)

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) was recently rebranded as Connectively. Despite the name change, it’s still a powerful tool for building backlinks. Not just any backlinks, either — high-quality ones. Links from sites that can be very difficult to get links from otherwise. But Connectively is competitive. The Cision-owned platform has over one million users. […]

What does a content strategist do

What Does a Content Strategist Actually Do?

As a content strategist, I help companies figure out what kinds of content they should publish online to connect with their target audience. That’s the simplest way to put it. There’s a lot more to the job, though. I’ll explain below. I hope it’s useful if you’re interested in working with or as a content […]


7 Examples of Link Bait That Worked (and Keep Working)

There are two ways to build backlinks: Ask people to link to your website. Don’t ask people to link to your website — let them come to the decision on their own. This article is about the latter. We’re going to talk about website content that automates the link-building process and saves your business a […]

Content development process

Our Proven 7-Step Content Development Process

Although the content marketing landscape is changing, one thing remains the same: Your audience wants authenticity and information they can trust. It’s our job as content marketers to provide that. Good content can help you show off your expertise, build awareness around your brand, and generate more leads so you can grow your business. This […]

content marketing vs seo

Content Marketing vs. SEO (and Why They Work Best Together)

Deciding how to spend your marketing budget is difficult, especially during a recession. Content marketing and SEO are the best options for many businesses, but some people don’t actually know the difference, making it hard to choose. The truth is that you might not need to choose. There’s a big overlap between these digital marketing […]

SaaS SEO content marketing

Our High-Growth SaaS SEO Framework

Today’s SaaS landscape is crowded, to say the least. In the U.S. alone, there are: 9,000+ business intelligent software providers 1,700+ CRM system providers 1,300+ speech and voice recognition software providers 1,200+ payment processing software providers 400+ HR & payroll software providers 400+ website creation software providers 300+ point-of-sale software providers 100+ tax prep software […]